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Ski & Snowboard

Trip AIARE Avalanche Rescue
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The AIARE Avalanche Res­cue Course is for every­one, whether you are just learn­ing how to use your trans­ceiv­er, an aspir­ing pro­fes­sion­al, or a back­coun­try trav­el­er with many years of back­coun­try expe­ri­ence.

AIARE Avalanche Res­cue is a one-day stand alone course that is intend­ed to be retak­en on a reg­u­lar basis to main­tain best practices/​skills in res­cue tech­niques and devel­op­ments in equip­ment. New par­tic­i­pants will learn the basics of com­pan­ion res­cue and advanced sce­nario prac­tice to help improve their skills. Each par­tic­i­pant will have an assess­ment of their res­cue skills and will receive a res­cue card acknowl­edg­ing com­ple­tion. And when you are ready to ramp up your skills and knowl­edge this course pro­vides a sol­id foun­da­tion for the AIRE Rec 1 course. This course is offered through our partners at Mountain Madness.
AIARE Avalanche Res­cue is a pre­req­ui­site for the AIARE Rec 2 and Pro 1 cours­es. AIARE rec­om­mends that all back­coun­try trav­el­ers keep their skills cur­rent by tak­ing an Avalanche Res­cue Course and receiv­ing a res­cue card at least every oth­er year.

Select your date from the options below

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Note: Although we do our very best to fol­low the sched­ule list­ed, this itin­er­ary is sub­ject to change due to inclement weath­er, unsafe route con­di­tions, or oth­er rea­sons beyond our con­trol and in the guide’s best judgment.
  • 1
    Day number 1
    Course will cover the following:

    - Per­son­al pro­tec­tive and avalanche res­cue equipment
    - Demon­strating avalanche rescue
    - Sin­gle bur­ial scenarios
    - Patient con­sid­er­a­tions and evacuation
    - Sce­nario prac­tice and feedback
    - Advanced top­ics cov­ered depend­ing on stu­dent need and interest
Trip Package Includes
  • AIARE Avalanche Rescue card
  • Pro­fes­sion­al guid­ing and instruction
  • Climbing/​backcountry per­mits 
  • 20% off rental at evo Seattle or Snoqualmie store
  • 20% discount code at (exclusions apply)
Trip Package Does Not Include
  • Air­fare
  • Trans­porta­tion to and from the trailhead
  • Hotel accom­mo­da­tions
  • Meals
  • Per­son­al gear
  • Guide gra­tu­ities
  • Travel insurance (we recommend World Nomads)

Questions? Call or email us!
Area Information

Washington Cascades

The Washington Cascades are part of the greater Cascade Mountain Range, extending from northern California to British Columbia. Mountain Madness offers a range of courses in several destinations, with this AIARE Avalanche Rescue Course being hosted at Stevens Pass - 1.5 to 2 hours from Seattle and located where the Okanogan-Wenatchee National Forest begins.
Trip Planning

Trip Planning

A com­plete cloth­ing and equip­ment list spe­cif­ic to your trip will be sent to you in a pre-depar­ture pack­et upon reg­is­tra­tion. Every year Mountain Madness reviews our lists and assess feed­back from our clients and guides for updat­ing these lists, giv­ing you the most com­plete and up-to-date guide­lines. Feel free to call us if you have ques­tions or need help locat­ing any of the items on the list. For a suc­cess­ful trip, it is extreme­ly impor­tant that you adhere strict­ly to the equip­ment list.

Pri­or to depart­ing on your trip, Mountain Madness staff will con­tact you to dis­cuss the par­tic­u­lars of your course or climb. This typ­i­cal­ly hap­pens about 10 days out. At this time you can review the equip­ment you have select­ed. Before pur­chas­ing any equip­ment, you are wel­come to call us and ask for rec­om­men­da­tions. We know that select­ing the right gear can be a chal­lenge and we are hap­py to help.

If you are interested in rentals, please feel free to contact the evo Seattle store to inquire about items and availability (your package includes 10% off rentals).

Ski / Snowboard & Avalanche Safety Gear
Ski Clothing
Other Important Items
  • What COVID-19 policies do you have in place?
    Mountain Madness has a detailed COVID-19 Operations Plan which will be shared prior to the trip. All participants must fill out a pre-trip COVID-19 questionnaire/agreement. Classroom lectures will be held via Zoom instead of in person. In the field, a face covering must be worn at times when social distancing cannot be maintained.
  • Do I need any prior training to participate in this course?
    No, you do not need prior training to take this course. If you haven’t already taken an AIARE 1 Course, that is recommended in conjunction with Avalanche Rescue.
  • How physically fit do I have to be for this course?
    This can be a physically demanding course, and your abil­i­ty to enjoy the adven­ture depends on your health and fit­ness, thus it’s recommended that you are in good physical condition.
  • Who are the guides?
    Mountain Madness guides are high­ly expe­ri­enced instruc­tors that have been trained by the Cana­di­an Avalanche Asso­ci­a­tion (CAA), the Amer­i­can Moun­tain Guides Asso­ci­a­tion (AMGA), and the Amer­i­can Insti­tute for Avalanche Research and Edu­ca­tion (AIARE). They are the best, most­ high­ly trained instruc­tors!
  • Are rentals available?
    Yes, rental gear is available and can be rented directly through the evo Seattle store, as well as Mountain Madness. Please inquire for pricing.
  • What if I need to cancel?
    evo will refer to the Mountain Madness cancellation policy. If you need to can­cel your trip, please submit your noti­fication in writ­ing. Your trip will be can­celled from the date we receive writ­ten notice. You will be assessed a can­cel­la­tion fee accord­ing to the fol­low­ing schedule: More than 90 days from trip depar­ture —  non-refundable $200 reg­is­tra­tion fee. 89 days or less from trip depar­ture – 100% of trip cost
  • What if I need to change the dates of my trip?
    All date changes must be received in writ­ing. Changes are deter­mined at MMI’s dis­cre­tion and if approved, must be accom­pa­nied by a new trip reg­is­tra­tion. Any change from sched­uled trip depar­ture can be extreme­ly dif­fi­cult and is sub­ject to all incurred expens­es as assessed by MMI. All date changes are for cred­it only (no refunds) and valid for one year from writ­ten change noti­fi­ca­tion and receipt of new reg­is­tra­tion. A $200 date change fee will be assessed for all domes­tic trips.
  • When and how do I meet up with the group?
    You will receive detailed instructions regarding when and how to meet the group from Mountain Madness.
  • What is the maximum number of guests on the trip?
    There is a maximum of 12 guests for this course, with groups being split into 2 groups due to COVID.
  • Is there a minimum age required for this trip?
    We will accept par­tic­i­pants 15 years or old­er, if they are accom­pa­nied by a legal guardian. You must be 18 years or old­er to attend a trip on your own.
  • I need accommodations in Seattle. Do you have recommendations?
    Yes, there are plenty of options, depending on your preferences. Near Sea-Tac Airport: Cedarbrook Lodge (4-star), Double Tree Hotel Seatac (4-star), Hampton Inn Seatac (3-star), Hilton Garden Inn Seatac (3-star). Near Mountain Madness: Georgetown Inn (2.5 star), The Grove (2-star).
The experience was awesome--great course, both professional and a lot of fun. Appropriate measures for Covid-19 were put in place.
Trip Guest
I’ve climbed all over the world with MM and couldn’t recommend them higher. Their guides are world class and are knowledgeable, appropriately cautious but eager to get you to the summit, amiable and yet able to challenge you to do things you didn’t think you could! Their front office is easy to communicate with and keeps you up to speed with everything throughout the whole process from pre-climb to post-climb. If you’re thinking about climbing, I would strongly and without reservation recommend mountain madness.
Trip Guest
Jake was an awesome guide, super informative. MM was fantastic, had good options for renting gear, easy to work with.
Trip Guest

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Las Trancas Chile

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